Monday, August 15, 2005

The Gypsy In Me

Man I'm tired... I wanna hope on one of those freight trains and just go. i don't no where and I don't care. Maybe I'll plan a trip like that next year. That sounds like so much fun going everywhere but having no place to be, thorwing all caution to the wind, just being free. Yes... I am impulsive, but extemely responsible on the flip side!! Who would go withe me? I kind of think that tat is my african ancestry coming out. They weren't confined by time or walls. They came and went as they pleased when the mood was fitting. What I wouldn't give for that!!! But then when I wake up and I step back into reality I realize that tomorrow is monday and the start of a whole new week. Even though I only work Thurs-Sun I still have things that need tending to!!! It's a crazt world people!!


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