You've done it before.. just laid there... didn't glance over.. didn't even open your eyes.. hoping that for a moment that this was all some kind of perverse alternate reality that you somehow fell victim... That some sick, warped, bitter individual cast dark spell to torture and make you that last moment of enjoylast night that has been replaced with the consequnces... Hoping that if you lie there a moment longer they'd bust through your bedroom door yelling you name, throwing confetti, ballons evrywhere all while greeting you with the check for 1-million-dollars, courtesy of Cheaters, for being the greatest sport the game has ever seen...
Damn... thoguht I could cheat... Much like any regular person I step back into reality, wipe the sleep out my eyes, reach over, turn the alarm clock off, a proceed to get myself ready to take on the day... Time yields to no man... The thoughts that run through my head during the getting up process are hysterical.
Why should I get up? Why not be a non productive person like the other non productive people.. For once why not lounge around in you old faithful holely ghost draws, pop in your favorites 80's flick into the VCR, sit on the couch and scratch your ass all day.
If you couldn't tell I didn't feel like doing much of nothing this morning.. I swear tomorrow I'm going to bed early..
Forever sleepy,
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