So today I had a thought. I haven’t been sleeping very much, don’t know why. Personally I think it’s a sign of the times. I have tons of people telling me daily that they’re not able to sleep either. But, back to my original thought. I came across a fortune cookie that said “There are two reasons for doing something. 1. A really good reason, and 2. The real reason.” I’ve been chewing on this thought for a while. And every moment it becomes clearer. Initial we do things for reasons that are absolutely clear. We are without a doubt that our first reason of driving us to ‘do’ is the ultimate reason. (I’m not talking about the ‘DO’ necessarily. If that applies to your then by all means considerate what I’m saying on those terms as well.) But, taking a step back and really assessing the situation there are underlying motives that drives our actions.
I think one of my fears right now is losing a good friend. I’ve lost quite a few good friends in the past because I was selfish and self centered. The lines of communication, that I’ve now come into realization and a much riper age, needs to be two-way and not just the way I want it to flow. I understand this now, and however much my pride once to get into the way I now feel that the importance of friendship out weighs my pride. Unless the friendship is detrimental to my self being, which I highly doubt that I have people in my life presently who are. But some of you could be fooling me.. lol..
I know this is where I am in my life right now. But I think where I’m making my mistake is the means I’m going through to fulfill my goal which is to right past wrongs. Well not necessarily wrongs, but things that have been weighing on my heart. But all of this has taught me a very valuable lesson. Love my friends in the now!! Don’t let argument be the determining factors of whether or not you continue in a friendship. Let’s be real for a minute. People don’t always agree, and they never will. There will be disagreements. This is where being an adult comes in. We learn to work through all that and look forward to the next day. My personal opinion is in no way directed at you personally. My opinion is mine based on experiences, beliefs, my understandings, and feelings. They are not based on what you think and how I am getting back at you! Unless you piss me off.. lol..
But live life, enjoy it. Give yourself the allowances to mess up, fall down and just not get it right, and in doing so extend that allowance to others. You’ll be a much happier person.. I already am!!
Thanks to all my friends over the past few days, especially the ones I talk to in the middle of the night. All of you who I email during work who refuse to let me sad, and especially those who refuse to let me sit home a wallow in my sorrow.. I really appreciate you being there for me.. and you know I’m here for you. You guys are the best!!
Loving you!!
"To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limitations and then... have the courage to blow past them." -- Picabo Street
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