Friday, January 30, 2004


Boy oh boy, I went skating last night, and I had a lot of fun I might add. Then my girls and I went to Fridays to go and eat. You could not have missed us being there because we were the ones at the loud table.

Driving home wasn't dull either. As I pull to my friends Aunts Apartment driveway park to let her out, and pop my trunk so that she may get her belongings the police pull up behind me and put on their lights.

I just purchased my car about a month and a half ago. It's a tannish yellow Saturn and it's was lowered by whoever the previous owner was. It has tinted windows in the back of which I call factory tint because that's how the car was when I bought it. I am still in the process of getting the car register, with only my smog check left of the checklist.

Now, I understand that they still have not sent me my license plates yet and that police get suspicious of me while I'm driving because to be quite frank my car looks like a gangster car. As if someone of Latin or African American nature would be driving the car involved in some kind of illegal activity. That's just how I bought and I plan on making more girlie in the near future. But, my issue is can racial profiling go too far. I have been pulled over three times due to the profiling of my car and who could possibly be in my car. I wasn't doing any kind of careless driving, in fact I wasn't driving at all, I was parked. There wasn't any kind of suspicious activity around my car. I was just simply dropping off a friend.

The cop walked over to my window. He says to me "You have no license plates." I said, "yea, yea, yea. I just bought the car, I have my registration, I have the paperwork showing I just acquired the car, and I also have my temporary operators permit that allows me to drive the car until the end of February." Now with all that said they still ask me the absolute dumbest question of all. 'Well, they haven't sent you your license plates yet?' I want to scream every time I hear that question. I wanna say 'yea I got them but I didn't want to put them up because I enjoy being pulled over so much by the police for no reason.' But my mother doesn't like it when I talk back to them, so I have been monitoring my tone and the things that tones produces called words.

But, common sense, would I not put on my license plates to allow these valiant officers to hope behind my car and run my plates and go on about their merry little way. The funniest thing is to see their face when the pull me over to see this girl with all these curls on her head, because I have a straw set (a common practice among African American women to wrap their wet set hair around straws to produce tiny Shirley temple curls). On top of that I am soon to be a college graduate and no I don't have any warrants, and even yet no points on my records. So they're pretty much disappointed that it's not the drug bust of their life and they have wasted their time, and all the real criminals have escaped their grasp for the day.

Well that's what I'm feeling and I'm glad I got all of that off my chest. But I just want to relay a message to officers. Just relax for a change. Not everyone who is driving a lowered car with tinted windows in the back a gang banger. Thank You


Thursday, January 29, 2004


Ok. Here I am yet again and yet again I am here. I just came from my Guitar class. Beginners I should point out too. All of a sudden a tiny shred of doubt comes over me as the teacher in the second day of instructions assigns mounds of exercises due to play by the next class. Then it dawns on me. I have no idea how to play this instrument. What was I thinking. But then again I conquered my fear of writing on the web, so learning to play guitar should be no biggie. Although, I am taking lesson, and have played other instruments, and can read music, I still get nervous. But, my skills are coming along. I just want to be the best now and that's only because I was good at playing my other instruments. I really don't remember how it feels to be a beginner. Hhahaha the trials and tribulations of a college student!!!


P.S. I think they really messed up when they told me I'd have free space to express my opinion. I'll never stop, and to be quite honest I'm really starting to enjoy this and it's only my second entry on my first day of being a "blogger"


It's my first entry and I am kind of nervous. This is so much like standing on the edge of the high dive board a split second before you're about to jump. And, just for the record I'd probably wouldn't jump. But I guess I'll take a stab at it. This is for a class, but I guess it's really for me to get use to expressing myself in public. And, if you knew what my friends knew they would tell you that I don't like to talk about feelings and all that mushy stuff that women usually like to talk about. That's just how I am, and I guess I'll work on that for the future. But, it wont be any time soon ;)

Other than that, if you have stumbled across my "blog" I guess it's called, thanks for taking the time to read. It's much appreciated!!!
