Change is always hard and most often needed. Peace between culture is something this world needs in order to survive. I often reflect upon how change would benefit our diverse countries. And in doing so I am often reminded of a proverb. I have never known the true identity of the author, but I rest assured in the fact that someone else has heard this proverb and would know the author identity. So for now this author of the following proverb (which will not be cited word for word) is Anonymus:
There once was a boy who ate too much candy. His mother tried for years to get her son to cease eating candy. But his refusal to let her no choice but to seek help from the Dali Lama. For days and nights the ventured thorugh dense forest and physically demanding mountains until they reached the Dali Lama upon one sweet day.
The mother approcahed the Dali Lama and told him of her constant battle with her son to cease eating candy. She requested the Dali Lama to intervene and explain to the son the consequences of eating too much candy for he was the Dali Lama and her son would truly listen. The Dali Lama told the mother to return to him in 1 weeks time. The Dali Lama's closests men insisted that the Dali Lama handle the situation promptly for they knew of the long trip the mother had made. But the Dali Lama held his ground and the mother was to return in one week.
After the week was over the mother and son stood before the Dali Lama again. The Dali Lama looks and the son and says to the son. "Don't too much candy, for you will get cavities." The mother looks at the Dali Lama and asks him why she had to return in one weeks time for him to only say one sentence to her son. The Dali Lama looks and the mother and simply says "Because I first had to stop eating candy."
The most important thing that I step away with is that we must lead by example. Only then will everyone else change. Also in doing so step away from this life of "I" and step into a world of "WE."